The past couple of years has left us with a joy deficit. When we picture a post-Covid world, we imagine having our old lives back. But we can actually go a step further and make up for the missed experiences, flipping the deficit into a surplus. If Covid has given us anything, it’s a rare chance for a reset. Let’s take it.
Matemáticas deprimentes, de hecho, pero siempre es mejor estar conscientes para alcanzar a hacer algo al respecto. Mejor que ignorar lo inevitable.
Esto está genial, en unos cuantos minutos pude tener el mío
Muchas gracias @mxbck
Simplification is a powerful design strategy. Naturally the button to make an emergency call should be as simple as possible. And yet, we also need further design strategies that help us accept, understand, and interact with complex situations in our lives.
Increíble pieza sobre complejidad, con magníficas animaciones como plus.
It’s an ode to the video store experience and a nostalgia trip for anyone who remembers the trailers playing before movies on VHS, or having to rewind the tape before you return it. For many of us, the video store wasn’t just a place to rent movies, but a place to hang out and talk film. It was a vastly more social experience than sitting at home scrolling through thumbnails online. We have an almost endless stream of entertainment available at the click of a button, which makes it all the more amazing that a little independent video store can survive in 2020.
Extrañaré estos lugares, grandes recuerdos que tengo. No creo que siga existiendo alguno en Monterrey.