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Hahaha βœ‹πŸΌπŸ˜… hey I didn’t say I don’t like them, just that I’m seeing them everywhere. My current site has a purplish gradient πŸ˜‚ so I’m guilty too

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Playbook for new app: 1. Combining all of your other apps 2. Geometric, friendly sans serif 2. Clipart illustrations 3. Purple 4. Whooshy swooshy animations on scroll 5. Over-familiar copywriting 6. Light mint green 7. Infuriating onboarding that will. not. stop. pestering. you.

Random geometric elements are the new purple gradients.

I now have a new Spanish account @ramiroruiz_ES I was deciding which language to use for each tweet and since I already translate them for my site I’ll tweet both now and keep things separate.

I bought a sunrise alarm clock a week ago, and I can’t recommend enough. Game changer for me. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

Not a fan of @netlify new homepage design πŸ˜• for a second I thought I enter the wrong domain. Is completely different.