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Why so many make links indistinguishable from text, if you’re not going to underline them you better make them really different. Nobody enjoys hovering every element of a page to figure if is clickable.

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📝New blog post: Why don't we personal website owners collect all the feeds we generate at one central place, for example on a /feeds page? A place for RSS feeds of your blog posts, favorited items, or even tweets. Like this: http://marcus.io/feeds

Great idea! I have many feeds for the different post types in my site and I’m definitely going to make one!

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As Designers we think it's our job to come up with the best idea. The one that will best solve our users problems, and therefore our stakeholder problems. In truth our job is to come up with the least objectionable idea. The one we can safely navigate through the various gates.

Sharing early unfinished work helps me, communicating the reasoning of my decisions and being open to feedback. It makes them feel and actually be part of the result while you’re still responsible of how it turns out. Doesn’t matter who had the best idea.