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Looking back at some answers I wrote in Quora got me thinking in maybe elaborate more and publish them as blog posts.

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🦊 Oh my GOODNESS, responsive design turns ten today! Here’s how it happened, and who helped *make* it happen:‪https://ethanmarcotte.com/wrote/responsive-design-at-10/ …‬

I remember back them when I thought I knew that the only way was doing those complex fluid sorcery you were writing about in your great unstoppablerobotninja.com blog. Until that post 🤯

Congrats! Always an inspiration.

Iteration is everything. It should be more encouraged, to revisit past projects and improve them with new knowledge. Imagine doing that every couple of years, some of us have our site for that but for other types would be great too.

Man, templating RSS feed can be quite confusing. I did some folder structure changes at my sites a couple of weeks ago and didn’t realize that the change broke my feeds. Thankfully after some frustrations I fix them. Now I can sleep 😴