For the ones that use a task management app. But also an agile project management one at work.

Do you just use your own for personal / side project tasks or you also duplicate the ones from work too?

Replied to

A content framework that works:

Tweet about stuff that’s obvious to your peers but can be life changing to your younger self from 3-4 years ago

There are millions of people who could benefit from your unique perspective, wisdom & encouragement

Be a spark for others ⚡️

Spot on! I want to be more active but I tend to wait for that “right tweet” that never shows up and end up thinking that I would never be able to share that much quantity and quality like many.

This advice is a great first step. Thank you.

How painful it is to do email signatures that don’t suck.

Personally I will go with text only but I’m not the client 🙃