
I just improved my shortcut to now not only post my tweets with the tweet link to my website, but also to Mastodon too.

This is the first test note 🤞🏼

Replied to

@ramiroruiz that may not go over well if it becomes obvious and constant from your cross-posts that you’re referencing something specific to twitter on a mastodon timeline. Especially if it is a reply and lacks context.

@JustMrLarz yeah that would be bad, is not completely automatic. I have to choose what to send that step is where I add the note tags and review the translation to post to my Spanish account.

That helps me avoid confusing posts like you mention. I rarely post live event tweets to my site, and replies are only sent to my website with the original author note for context.

Working on another shortcut to upload posts with images to my site from Bear. 🙃

I want to remove all frictions to quickly share either from my iPad, phone or computer.

With iOS14 I can tweet and post on my website from my Home Screen. This is amazing!

I can’t believe how much it took me to start using iOS shortcuts.

It makes my phone feel powerful again.