
I’m very happy about the design update by Apple, I now can add more life into some elements without looking outdated. I was never a complete fan of flat UI.

It saddens me to hear about parents preventing their children from studying graphic design. It’s well known to be a career with very low wages. There are several culprits for that, and the main ones will continue to be the same designers if they only continue to serve as decorators.

Got to design a small Ebook 🙂 first one after many of catalogues and local magazines. I know the general advice is to specialize but I would never be able to just design the same kind of things.

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Interesting. I believe one factor that hurt UX was many graphic designers changing their title to UXD to earn more money. Graphic Design is an important element of ux design but it's not the entire pie. Neither is UXD- though it always wants to be.‪ ‬

That’s why I always hated the title soup in design of recent years. I still want to call myself web designer like back in the day but nobody is looking for that position now 🤦🏻‍♂️

Changing my ways

4 min

A couple months ago, Frank Chimero, a great designer that I’d admired for a long time, wrote about the pain to re-learn many things in the web to keep yourself updated to the latest practices and trends.

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New Website

5 min

This morning I launched my new website. I used to be one of those designers that never reserved time for my brand, only working for clients and never on myself.

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