This is crazy. How important are the eating habits.

Saw this in a @JoelJamieson webinar.

I can’t believe how much it took me to start using iOS shortcuts.

It makes my phone feel powerful again.

I’m the worst at taking the time to make beautiful compositions of my own work. That’s why my portfolio is always dated. 😪

The “I throw all these punches to land one” combo. They’re still the most fun to do. First training in the new location, is going to be amazing. 👏🏼

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Something I've been mulling over recently, would love to discuss. Design is slowly learning lessons that engineering teams have already solved. Why don't we embrace them more? Versioning✅, components✅, documentation🤷‍♂️, ticketing🚫, agile planning🚫, architecture reviews🚫etc

Because we are wild creative creatures that need complete freedom to wait until inspiration comes 🙄

Even designing in chunks (components) instead of the whole screen is avoided. 🤦🏻‍♂️