
I hate needles, so taking my kids for their vaccines 💉 it’s really hard. Fortunately the mom @karlaleija1 is the brave one in the house in these situations 😘

Man, it’s been awhile since I made some slides to present something, is a lot more work than I remembered.

‪First Concert: Korn‬ ‪Last Concert: Linkin Park‬ ‪Best Concert: Muse‬ ‪Worst Concert: Alanis Morissette‬ ‪Loudest Concert: Metallica‬ ‪Seen the Most: ?‬ ‪Most Surprising: Static-X‬ ‪Next Concert: No plans‬ ‪Wish I Could Have Seen: Michael Jackson‬

Bittersweet feeling after seeing the last episode of the Good place. What a great show.

I have a big remote design sprint next week, so I’ve been playing with @mural to see if it can replace our current methods and I’m very impressed so far.

So happy that I finally had the opportunity to see Parasite. Great movie 🎥 They really know how to do amazing stories and films in Korea.

The reaction I always get from friends when I talk about the work I do on my website to own my content like notes, replies, photos, etc. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Nothing can beat remote work when you can have this kind of breaks.