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🦊 Oh my GOODNESS, responsive design turns ten today! Here’s how it happened, and who helped *make* it happen:‪ …‬

I remember back them when I thought I knew that the only way was doing those complex fluid sorcery you were writing about in your great blog. Until that post 🤯

Congrats! Always an inspiration.

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I avoid deleting the first versions of most designs, I keep duplicating artboards and iterate on the new ones. But I want to make it clear which are the old ones so I don’t confuse people or comment on past versions.

I can add them in a different page but that’s adding a click to the process. Now I’ve been placing them inside a colored background with a “past versions” label. Open to hear other ways.

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How'd you do that? And if there isn't a link to the site on the POSSE, then how on earth does one find the original?

Bridgy does a posse-post-discovery, I have a <link rel=“feed” In my site’s head, pointing to all my notes that have a u-syndication link. More details here: Happy to answer any more questions.

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If you have a personal website: What did you use to build your site? And what do you like most about it? 🤗

I use @GoHugoIO and I love the speed, flexibility and the active and helpful community.

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What would it look like to build personal websites with incremental correctness in mind? Some thoughts:‪ …‬

Great post, I’m building a pattern library for my site to make it easier to improve and iterate on it. I found that a major problem is going back and trying to understand old code and seeing many mistakes that we think that is better start from scratch.

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Nice, I also publish various types of posts to my site by using shortcuts. This reply is one of them. Are you using the twitter api? (

Duh 🤦🏻‍♂️ never mind, just took a better look and is the twitter shortcut extension.