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My son likes the show a lot, so I’m editing a @BlippiOfficial sign, really wish they can use it. My eyes hurt every time I see it, and is a lot of times.

Why so many make links indistinguishable from text, if you’re not going to underline them you better make them really different. Nobody enjoys hovering every element of a page to figure if is clickable.

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📝New blog post: Why don't we personal website owners collect all the feeds we generate at one central place, for example on a /feeds page? A place for RSS feeds of your blog posts, favorited items, or even tweets. Like this:

Great idea! I have many feeds for the different post types in my site and I’m definitely going to make one!

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As Designers we think it's our job to come up with the best idea. The one that will best solve our users problems, and therefore our stakeholder problems. In truth our job is to come up with the least objectionable idea. The one we can safely navigate through the various gates.

Sharing early unfinished work helps me, communicating the reasoning of my decisions and being open to feedback. It makes them feel and actually be part of the result while you’re still responsible of how it turns out. Doesn’t matter who had the best idea.

Sharing often and early is one of the biggest things that have improved my work as a designer. Stop caring what would they think by seeing unfinished pieces and trust yourself. Your teammates will thank you.

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why is it that designers struggle with sharing their work with the exact people they should be sharing their work with? (clients, stakeholders, etc.)

Insecurity, not be willing to change directions or being able to explain and backup their decisions.

Sharing unfinished work is a pro hack that I’ve been enjoying the last 3 years, I wish I started sooner.

First time using a case for my phone, I always use them “al natural” since my iPhone 4 but this thing is more expensive than what I used to drive 3 years ago 😅

It saddens me to hear about parents preventing their children from studying graphic design. It’s well known to be a career with very low wages. There are several culprits for that, and the main ones will continue to be the same designers if they only continue to serve as decorators.

Looking back at some answers I wrote in Quora got me thinking in maybe elaborate more and publish them as blog posts.

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🦊 Oh my GOODNESS, responsive design turns ten today! Here’s how it happened, and who helped *make* it happen:‪ …‬

I remember back them when I thought I knew that the only way was doing those complex fluid sorcery you were writing about in your great blog. Until that post 🤯

Congrats! Always an inspiration.

Iteration is everything. It should be more encouraged, to revisit past projects and improve them with new knowledge. Imagine doing that every couple of years, some of us have our site for that but for other types would be great too.

Man, templating RSS feed can be quite confusing. I did some folder structure changes at my sites a couple of weeks ago and didn’t realize that the change broke my feeds. Thankfully after some frustrations I fix them. Now I can sleep 😴

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I avoid deleting the first versions of most designs, I keep duplicating artboards and iterate on the new ones. But I want to make it clear which are the old ones so I don’t confuse people or comment on past versions.

I can add them in a different page but that’s adding a click to the process. Now I’ve been placing them inside a colored background with a “past versions” label. Open to hear other ways.

I avoid deleting the first versions of most designs, I keep duplicating artboards and iterate on the new ones. But I want to make it clear which are the old ones so I don’t confuse people or comment on past versions.

Finished the last dance, is felt a little special that I got to see a little of that era. I remember watching MJ last final on TV. There’s always a great level of obsession in successful people. It has to, the only way to distance yourself from the pack.

I’m recently seeing a lot of talk about innovation. But the people that are actually innovating are not the ones that are constantly reading and talking about it, but the ones that are constantly making things.