All notes

I’d love to be able to keep the smell of my kids as babies, each one is different. A few years pass and then you realize that they don’t smell like that anymore 🥺

Most softwares when moving elements. Arrow keys small nudge, and hold down shift for big nudge. Google slides let’s invert those controls 🥴

On personal sites. I never use reader view. Even if I don’t like it, I want to respect and experience the author’s intention using their design.

Me trying to start the year very productive and slack and notion are down. 😒

Design is all about empathy, design divas are not a great designers.

Many business forget that the little details matter, the quality of the hand sanitizer you offer is part of the customer experience.

Design systems does not cancel creativity, they’re constantly evolving. You have to create, adapt and improve under certain restrictions. That’s what design is all about, work with constraints to deliver results.

With iOS14 I can tweet and post on my website from my Home Screen. This is amazing!

Just saw one of my first websites from 2007 🤯, made it with Dreamweaver and flash for a no-so-impressive header animation. I love that I was able to save it. Is great to see your early work and see how much you’ve improved.

I know the trend now is don’t care about that but is still feels great when you earn the respect of someone or a group.

I’ve been focusing on product design for a while now but whenever I get a branding project I get super excited. I don’t agree on the idea of only doing one thing. Why limit yourself when there’s so much to do, go and do them. As long is not at same time 😅

Really enjoying Ted Lasso on TV+ great script and refreshing sense of humor.