All notes

Crazy how I was so use to having a small screen computer, from sharing my quick screen shot videos to slack that were around 14mb for some seconds. Just share one from the new 16" MBP and I was 100MB 🤯

Just changed all my indie post files organization and url structure.

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How'd you do that? And if there isn't a link to the site on the POSSE, then how on earth does one find the original?

Bridgy does a posse-post-discovery, I have a <link rel=“feed” In my site’s head, pointing to all my notes that have a u-syndication link. More details here: Happy to answer any more questions.

Now I got my replies updated without needing a link for the webmentions.

I’ve been having problems with a video not auto playing in just some phones 😥 no idea why, works on mine and many others but a few see the play button. So weird.

When you are getting desperate because the changes are not being reflected until you realize you’re not looking at local but staging. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Titok editing tools are impressive. There’s a loooot of options.

So happy to have webmentions working without including a link to my site, that should help for the people that thought I was spamming all the time 😅 I really love the things you can do with the #Indieweb

The skill to express yourself clearly without needing a meeting is undervalue.

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If you have a personal website: What did you use to build your site? And what do you like most about it? 🤗

I use @GoHugoIO and I love the speed, flexibility and the active and helpful community.

Going to do some changes in the next couple of days on my site to remove my post links but still keep my webmentions.

I know it may look spamish but it was necessary. Now I know there’s ways to have them without it

Upgrading my old 2013 MBP, has been my best computer to date. Looking forward for the new one, I hope that with the current situation, it doesn’t take longer than usual 🤞🏼

The more I learn about svg’s the more I realize how much is possible with them, just made two svg animations for a project last week.

Do you want to learn and be more efficient with your time of the day. Have kids!

  • Don’t have kids for only that reason 🙏🏼

Even in the middle of this crisis, I can’t believe how fortunate I am. I have what I need and I’m starting to receive those lucky opportunities that I’ve been preparing for 🙌🏼

So they had a full screen 5MB hero image 🤯 I manage to optimize it to 121KB.

Now the website feels completely different. Optimization is super important 🙂