All notes

My wife always helps me to value my work. — You charge them that?! You’re almost doing it for free!

And when she’s asking a favor. — Aww come on, is so easy for you. It would not take long. 🙄

You know those moments when you’ve been hearing a lot of noise and excitement about something new. That when you try it you kind of want it to suck? Well not this time, after 3 days using HEY is hard not to love it 🤩 Great job @jasonfried @dhh and the team.

I now have 5 different animations for a svg graphic that get triggered at certain moments. SVG is a complex beast and learning about them has payed off.

I can understand the exciting in HEY, I also can’t wait to try it out but what I don’t get is the excitement in having a @hey email. I hope is possible to use your own, nothing looks better than having a email.

Looks like my wife thinks we have thieves inside the house, or is there other reason to tightly close every plastic bag there is?

They’re impossible to open.

Halfway through Mistakes were made (But not by me) and is so great. Is making me look at my actions be better.

Our opponents or competitors are actually more like us than our friends.

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It depends on the reading direction. Arabic and other RTL reading language users won’t find it easier.

You’re right, depends on the language. The main point I’m trying to make is how often I see center alight data or some crazy mixes having all three alignments in one table making them a nightmare to read.

Most data table cells should be left aligned, is easier for the eye to read text that have a common starting point.

Am I hearing Tiktok songs on the radio or is it that I hear radio songs on Tiktok. Pretty sure is the former, that platform is constantly making viral music.

Hahaha ✋🏼😅 hey I didn’t say I don’t like them, just that I’m seeing them everywhere. My current site has a purplish gradient 😂 so I’m guilty too

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Playbook for new app: 1. Combining all of your other apps 2. Geometric, friendly sans serif 2. Clipart illustrations 3. Purple 4. Whooshy swooshy animations on scroll 5. Over-familiar copywriting 6. Light mint green 7. Infuriating onboarding that will. not. stop. pestering. you.

Random geometric elements are the new purple gradients.

I now have a new Spanish account @ramiroruiz_ES I was deciding which language to use for each tweet and since I already translate them for my site I’ll tweet both now and keep things separate.

I bought a sunrise alarm clock a week ago, and I can’t recommend enough. Game changer for me. 🙌🏼

Not a fan of @netlify new homepage design 😕 for a second I thought I enter the wrong domain. Is completely different.