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The “I throw all these punches to land one” combo. They’re still the most fun to do. First training in the new location, is going to be amazing. 👏🏼

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Something I've been mulling over recently, would love to discuss. Design is slowly learning lessons that engineering teams have already solved. Why don't we embrace them more? Versioning✅, components✅, documentation🤷‍♂️, ticketing🚫, agile planning🚫, architecture reviews🚫etc

Because we are wild creative creatures that need complete freedom to wait until inspiration comes 🙄

Even designing in chunks (components) instead of the whole screen is avoided. 🤦🏻‍♂️

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So now nature is the only inspiration source. Like “I don’t know how to do this, I need to stare at some trees to get the answer” (

I do like to go for walks to clear my mind but let’s not abuse and give the idea that nothing else influence our work. Let’s give credit to those who deserve it.

So now nature is the only inspiration source.

Like “I don’t know how to do this, I need to stare at some trees to get the answer”

Finally fixed my RSS feeds, now the images are showing and I have links for All, Notes, Replies and Photos. More content and feeds to come.

Just starting using indie readers and wow 😮 I’m impressed. Super easy to consume and interact with content.

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I've reached the point in this last year of working on my personal site in fits and spurts, where I think I've over-designed and over-engineered it into an overly robust system versus making the content that should live on it. What started out as very simple became complex.

Never ending story for me. It took me forever to publish personal stuff, till recently, I just started to ship bit by bit and accepted that my site will always be a WIP.

There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept responsibility for changing them.

— Denis Waitley

While refactoring old styles on a project and I found a class with more rules than it needed because it had position: flex so they’re extra rules the compensates the undetected mistake.

The author, me… 👀🤫